Life On Track Core Values & Goals
Curriculum Goals:
Introduce students to the concepts essential to clear and assertive thinking and expression, in regard to a biblical worldview.
Develop in students the ability to analyze basic assumptions dealing with the nature of God, the nature of man, and the nature of truth (presuppositional analysis).
Develop an understanding for how God delegates responsibility to different areas of government—Self, Family, Church, Marketplace, and Civil—and their function from a Kingdom perspective.
Instill a vision and motivation in the students for their lives to become a demonstration of an alternative way of living to the culture, as representatives of the Kingdom of God.
Introduce the students to the basic concepts of strategic thinking and living.
Assist students in discovering significant clues to their personal destiny, and help them see how their destiny is tied to the community to which God has made them a part.
Core Values:
Covenant Relationship—as the context God desires for our growth in Him
Truth—as a means to relationship with God and others
Word of God—as our context for viewing all of life
Prayer and Worship—as our first, last, and abiding approach to all God brings into our lives
Servant Leadership—as our method for meeting needs and accomplishing godly exploits
Generational Thinking—as our standard for assessing vision and function in pursuit of what God is building
Patience—the ability to endure the process as the Word is seasoned in our hearts and lives
Meekness—in the way we process and handle the truth we have received
Excellence—as our affirmation of completion
For more information please contact us via phone +65 9786 6288 or email us at admin@hfinstitute.net